Take Me Out

  • 2018

55 %

Take Me Out is a 2018 English-language Drama Family film. Take Me Out is a dramatic, feature film with baseball at its center, about an upper class, black suburban, Chicago family. It will explore marriage, infidelity, education, and teenager relationships. Teenager, Nicholas Dupree, struggles with unwanted pressures of his over possessive father, Farris, while dealing with a sibling rivalry in his brother Ricky. With the help of his mother, Carol, and an old family friend, Mr. Johnson, a former major league baseball player, he finds his path in life. This film will display the major issues and a dramatic analysis of what goes on behind closed doors in the home of what ms to be the perfect all American family. Take me out features Sonya Barnes in the lead role along with an ensemble cast including Angela Davis, Idrees Degas, Lindsey Danielle Fackler, Kristen Lizette, Terrence Mardis and Khaled Ridgeway. It was released on 20th November 2018.

Release Date 20 NOV 2018
Run Time 1 HOUR 23 MINUTES



Drama , Family , Sport

Cast & Crew
